This article helps you find the best way to implement our tracking pixel and e-commerce script based on your situation and setup. By following the decision tree, you can see the easiest way of implementing the scripts for your webshop.
E-commerce scripts are needed for Datatrics to track events that a visitor performs on the website. These events contain adding items to their shopping cart, clicking on a product page, or converting. When a visitor performs these actions, we capture this with our scripts and are able to link it to the visitor.
Suppose you don't have a content management system (CMS). In that case, you either have the choice to implement the Datatrics tracker and the e-commerce scripts hard coded or via events that you send towards the DataLayer, which we can capture with our scripts via Google Tag Manager (GTM).
If there is a GTM container set-up within your webshop, the advisable choice would be to use this option.
It is important to note that in order for us to capture the information correctly, these variables and events need to be sent toward our tracking script from the website. We listen to the format of google, which can be found here.
The first step is to place the pixel on your website. You can find the best way to install the tracking pixel via this link. If you have a SPA/PWA, please use this document to get the pixel up and running.
Multiple options are available to connect the pixel and enhanced e-commerce script if you have a CMS. Please click on the schematic below to find out the best setup for you. After clicking on the link, you get redirected to our help center, where you can find a thorough explanation of how to connect the integration and proceed with the scripts.
Below you can find an explanation of the different source systems and more information about implementing the Datatrics related scripts.
You can download the free plug-in GTMP4WP. We can then capture the events the plug-in sends within the DataLayer of GTM. You will need to place the pixel and enhanced e-commerce scripts in your GTM container. The above is the easiest way to implement the scripts in WooCommerce.
If this is not desirable, you choose to implement the scripts hardcoded. But this will need development work, and the plug-in will not suffice in that case.
Magento 2:
We offer a plug-in that captures all tracking data and e-commerce events.
If you are not using the Datatrics plug-in, you have to connect the Magento 2 integration. You could use the yireo plug-in in combination with placing the Datatrics related scripts via GTM.
You can install the pixel.liquid and conversion.liquid in your theme and tracking area of your webshop. We can then track all the visitor data and e-commerce events that occur on your webshop.
You can install the pixel.rain within the theme settings of your storefront (custom.rain and fixed.rain). You can place the conversion.rain within the tracking area under web-extras. When this is done, we track all the needed information.
There is a plug-in available within Github. After installing the plug-in, we will capture all the needed data.
There currently is no free plug-in available for Prestashop for enabling enhanced e-commerce. You can consider buying the paid plug-in or implementing the scripts hard coded or via GTM.
When connecting the channel in Datatrics, we will automatically capture all the needed tracking and e-commerce data.