Next to using notifications to show products, it is also possible to show off statistics. Some examples here are
The amount of visitors currently looking at this item
The amount of times this product was bought today
The amount of products left in stock
The amount of time remaining for the delivery to take place tomorrow.
Note: This article assumes you already know how to set up a notification in general. This article will show you how you can use that basic knowledge to set them up with persuasive statistics. If you need a refresher, here is the link:
There are 2 ways in which you can set up a persuasion notification.
Fill in all information you want to show manually. This can be done in the touchpoint editor. While this option is fine, it is less convenient when trying to set up multiple notifications or a notification with multiple persuasive content items.
Create content items that contain all information you want to display. For your convenience we have created two such content items already. One for the visitors currently active on your website and the other one displaying the amount of people who have looked at a specific item today.
We recommend you set this up in the following way:
Go to the content page and sort by tag persuasion.
Create a collection based on these 2 so you can re-use it as often as needed.
Let's take a look at the attributes in one of these content items.
For this item the only functionally relevant attribute is the description. This has been set up to show: "Currently there are {{visitor_count_current_min2}} people shopping!
{{visitor_count_current_min2}} will be replaced with the amount of visitors currently on your website. The "min2" make sure that is is only displayed as long as there are at least 2 visitors currently active. You would not want a message saying "Currently there are 0 people shopping!".
Because these 2 items are available in your project's content, you can request their data by using {{item.description}} in your touchpoint elements tab.
If everything has been set up correctly, it should look something like this:
Creating your own persuasion content
There are many different ways in which you can use these types of content to your advantage. Depending on your website you may want to showcase different information. You can create content yourself ( and have the description display the information you want to use.
Depending on how many different options you have set up, you may want to create multiple collections for different purposes.
To find out which dynamic variables you can use for persuasive content, please check the following article: