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Based on user location

This article provides all the information you need to know to start using the strategy: Based on user location

Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago

How does this strategy work?

This recommendation strategy will look at the customer's location (based on IP address) and show the nearest content item. You need to add the longitude, latitude, and maximum range (in kilometers) of the content item for this to work.

When should I use this strategy?

This can be very helpful when location matters a lot. A good example would be a hotel service (with multiple hotels in the country) recommending the closest hotel to the visitor’s current location. Other examples include showing the nearest local store or showroom and recruitment vacancies.

What are the requirements for using Based on user location?

The selected content items need to have a longitude, latitude, and range (in kilometers). You can find the first two on We recommend using a range of about 50 km, as we always show the nearest one if multiple items are in range and to make sure at least one item is in range.


You can import items with the required values by either using a feed, integrating a channel, or creating custom content. For this example, we chose the latter option.

In this example, we want to show our customers, while we are located in London, the Big Ben. Therefore, we search the longitude and latitude and create a content item.

Step 1 - Import the (custom) content items based on their location

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Step 2 - Create a content collection based on the added items.

Click here to view this image in full size.

Step 3 - Create a touchpoint (strat: based on user location) and test it.

Note: As this strategy is based on the visitor’s IP address, you can ask colleagues or use a VPN to check if different content items are shown in the preview link.

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