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Documentation of our advanced features

Adding conversions to DatatricsThis article explains all the ways Datatrics can track conversions, how you can import and check them.
Adding extra fields within your items in DatatricsThis document describes adding extra fields in your content items within Datatrics.
Spotler essentialsThis guide explains some of the most important parts of the integration between Datatrics and Spotler.
Sending hybrid triggers to PiggyThis article describes how to send triggers from Datatrics’ hybrid campaigns to triggers for automated campaigns.
Field functionsThis article explains how to create field functions and use them in your touchpoints.
Checklist for the Magento 2 plug-inThis document describes how you can check the settings of the Magento 2 plug-in.
Font AwesomeYou can use Font Awesome in our website touchpoints!
Parent/Child contentThis article explains how your content needs to be set up for parent/child recommendations
Adding categories to your contentThis article explains how a category feed or csv needs to be formatted and how categories are assigned to content items.