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Spotler essentials

This guide explains some of the most important parts of the integration between Datatrics and Spotler.

Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago


  • For integrating Spotler in Datatrics, we suggest reading this standalone article.

  • All the syncs happen every hour, like profile syncs, except for triggered-based syncs.

Retrieving profiles from Spotler

Spotler does not use profileid's, while Datatrics does. As a result, Datatrics cannot retrieve the profiles from Spotler by default. To synchronize profiles from Spotler to Datatrics, extra action is required in Spotler. To synchronize profiles, Datatrics generates a hash that is placed in a profile field in Spotler. For this, you need to add a database field in Spotler.

As the owner of an account, you have an overview of the database fields, and you can add and edit them. Check if you are the account owner and go to 'Settings' → 'Database fields'. Then create the field 'dt_profileid'. It is crucial to use exactly this name so that Datatrics can retrieve profiles from Spotler.

Once this is done, Datatrics will retrieve profiles from Spotler successfully.

Sending Datatrics segments to Spotler

To forward segments to Spotler, you must indicate the Spotler option sync to an external platform in segment settings. In Spotler, the Datatrics segments are sent to 'Dynamic lists'. The synchronized segments are called "Datatrics - segmentname" here.

Sending triggers

With Datatrics, it is possible through Hybrid Campaigns to send triggers to Spotler for triggered-based mailing. This can be done in two ways. You know the most suitable way by asking yourself the following question: 'Is there a CMS linked to Spotler, or does the content in Datatrics correspond exactly to the items in Spotler?'

The items match exactly

In this case, you can check “Include item IDs” in the Spotler trigger and select the correct Spotler campaign.

You need to filter content based on the recommendation strategy. The Campaign IDs are the campaigns active in Spotler with a green dot. Campaigns with an external trigger are automatically fetched as a selection in hybrid campaigns.

In this case, Datatrics will only return the product list in the message. Therefore, there is no recommendation block but a product list. Use a product list in your email template within Spotler.

The items do not match exactly

In this case, you cannot use the function “Include item IDs”. In order to still send personalized triggers, it is best to create a feed based on a mailing touchpoint.

In Spotler, you can add a recommendation article in the editor via 'Messages' → 'Campaign messages'. The recommendations block is not available by default. You should request this from your Spotler account manager.

In this block, you can add the URL of the product feed. This block can be found in the mailing touchpoint in Datatrics. See the corresponding image for this.

You can copy the feed and paste it into Spotler. Then change ‘xmlitems’ to ‘jsonitems’ in the URL. In addition, determine the number of items.

To check whether products have been loaded from the feed, use the preview function. You can also use this to send personalized newsletters (Spotler recommends doing this on a segment basis). Or you can use this specifically for business use cases like an abandoned cart.

Correct prices from XML feed in Spotler Messages recommendations

In Spotler in ‘Messages’ you can add a product recommendation block based on a product feed based on URL as described above. In Datatrics, prices from external sources in the 'price' attribute are formatted to, for example, ‘23.9’ instead of ‘23.90’. Spotler does not take this into account, so the price attribute is not reformatted and remains in the recommendation ‘23.9’.

You need to apply a workaround for this by loading a feed into Datatrics such as a Channable feed. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Create a rule if there is a '.' in the price attribute to translate this '.' to a ',' with 2 decimal places.

  • Then follow this step if you have configured the above rule or if the price attribute already contains a comma by default. In the Finalize, create a new field with a name other than ‘price’ that does match the internal field. Check this screenshot for an example XML with <price> and with <somefieldname>.

  • If the above steps have been performed properly, the feed XML to Spotler should look like this:

Click here to see the enlarged image above.

Create newsletter touchpoints with Spotler

If there is a newsletter registration on your website, it is possible to create a touchpoint for this in combination with Spotler. In order to create a touchpoint, the bot detection must be turned off. In this way, you can obtain the required HTML via the option 'Integrate' and the selections 'Static' and 'HTML4 strict without tables'.

The code consists of 2 snippets. The snippet whose name contains 'head' should be placed in the head of the website. You can then use the other snippet in Datatrics. Copy the code into an empty touchpoint.

After following the steps above, we recommend adjusting the styling to your preference.

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