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Tracker debugger

Get insight into the data that Datatrics uses on your website

Development Datatrics avatar
Written by Development Datatrics
Updated over a week ago

Want to figure out why a certain touchpoint does not show up? If your audience targeting is configured correctly? Or want to figure out what data is send to our tracking pixel? Our tracker debugger is designed to give insight in all of the above, and more..

Activate the debugger

To activate our debugger on your website, you have to login into our platform. Once you're logged in, click on "Help" in the top right corner and click on the ''Open debugger" on the bottom of the list. This will open a new tab with your project's website with an additional parameter as illustrated below.

The value of the dtdebugger parameter is a generated hash, which is only valid for the day (max. 24 hours) you activate it. Once the debugger is loaded, you will be able to navigate your website as usual and the debugger will remain to work. Once the hash is no longer valid, the debugger will automatically stop working. You can also stop the debugging manually by clicking the red "X" button on the right of the debugger.

Different modes

The three buttons on the right switch to the different modes our debugger has. This will allow you to expand or contract the debugger, which gives you the flexibility to focus on the debugging or on navigating your website.


The page the debugger starts at, is an overview of the current page you are looking at. It contains a summary, options and content, let's dive into these three options.


At the top, a short summary is presented which includes your project id, visitor id, buying phase, persuasion type, customer type and ab-group. It will also show the page type (home, category or product) that's recognised by Datatrics at the current URL.


The options on the left, give you the possibility to start debugging. Every option is activated by a toggle, which will open an extra input field if the option needs extra information. For example, once you activate the "Force buying phase" option, a dropdown menu will appear with all the possible buying phases. Keep in mind, changing the options will require a page refresh to take effect.


If our tracking pixel recognises content on the current page your are looking at, the content item will be presented here. A content item can be a product or a category. Below the content item, there are two buttons that will open a modal with the content data or open the item within the platform. Keep in mind, the content has to be imported within Datatrics before it can be displayed here.


Using our debugger, it is possible to see what item are put into the current visitors' shopping cart and what items are bought the last 24 hours. Products are displayed in these two tabs with the item id, amount, name and price. Next to the products, there's a button to open the product in our platform.


Messages send by our tracking pixel will be displayed over here. This can be an informative, warning or a critical message. We are working on expanding our logs, which will result in an increase of messages in the future.


The other tabs on the left of the debugger are the events that our debugger registered on your website. Except for the touchpoint events, all events are display the raw data that is used within the event.


All touchpoints that are attempted to load on the current page will be displayed here. You can open the touchpoint and inspect the data or open te touchpoint in our platform.


This tab contains all the events send to our tracking pixel. For example, this will show an event when _paq.push(['trackGoal', 1]);  is executed. This will register in a custom conversion for the goal with id 1 .


When our algorithm decides the data of the current visitor has to be updated (e.g. the buying phase), we create an event called "DatatricsEvent" within the Google Tag Manager dataLayer. Every time this event is executed, the raw data will be displayed here.


All events that are corresponding to the Google Tag Manager Enhanced eCommerce pattern will be displayed in the debugger as well. The events are categorised for each event, so addToCart  and  removeFromCart will be displayed as separate tab. 

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