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Cross and up-sell recommendation strategies
Cross and up-sell recommendation strategies

This document describes how the most relevant up-sells and most relevant cross-sells work

Odin Bergman avatar
Written by Odin Bergman
Updated over a week ago

Most relevant up-sells

How does “Most relevant up-sells” work?

This strategy looks at terms from passed viewed pages within a visitor, but it also looks at conversions, possible favorited items, and the current item page.

Next to this, the strategy looks at the current product category, and it shows items from that category with a higher tier.

When should I use this strategy?

By selecting this option, the system will promote up-sells as much as possible. This option is great when you sell multiple tiers of the same product. A good example here would be a software company that sells a basic, intermediate, and pro version of the software. The system will always look to push a higher tier.

Most relevant cross-sells

This option will make sure the visitor’s recommendations are based on the items he is currently interested in. Let’s say someone is looking at a mouse. It might also be attractive to the visitor to buy a new mousepad or even a keyboard.

How does “Most relevant cross-sells” work?

The strategy looks at terms from the currently viewed product and excludes the same product categories from the possible cross-sell options. Next to that, we look at products that are often sold together.

If none of these options can be found, we don't recommend any products with this strategy; in that case, you can use the “multiple strategies” option for a secondary strategy as a fallback.

When should I use this strategy?

This strategy is best used when you sell many products that go together well, for example, specific shoes and socks, and want to make sure the customer buys products that go well together.

Requirements + Example

The up and cross-sell recommendation strategies only work on content item pages since you're up-selling and cross-selling items related to the content item someone is looking at. Content item pages should also be registered correctly.

Both cross and up-sell work by using the category attribute associated with your content items. Let's talk about two examples to make sure this is clear:

  1. Up-Sell: When trying to up-sell, you want to promote a more expensive product in the same category as the item the visitor is currently interested in. Let's say the product they are looking at is a MacBook. The thing you would want to recommend here is a more expensive MacBook. This requires you to have both items tagged with the same category. In this instance, this would probably be "MacBooks". The algorithm will be able to look at all items within the category and use the information for up-sell.

  2. Cross-Sell: Let's take the same visitor from the previous example and promote cross-selling. Instead of recommending items based on a category, the algorithm can check what items are often looked at together. The algorithm can check the items placed in the shopping cart together as well (ascending order of weight for the recommendations). This does require the conversion script to be implemented.

Note: You can check if your categories are set up correctly in your items by following the steps in this article. This is necessary for Up-Sell.

Once you have made sure your categories and conversion scripts are set up correctly, you can create your touchpoint.

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