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Recommendation Ruling

In this article, we will tell you what the recommendation ruling is and how you can use it optimally

Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago

When creating a touchpoint you select or filter the content that you want to be displayed. You may, however, want to push some content more than others. For this, we created the recommendation ruling. In the content section of a touchpoint, click the button highlighted in the screenshot below to manage the ruling.

Once you are on this page, you can select manual ruling. For this example, we have set up a couple of rulings in the screenshot below. On this page, you can add percentages to certain statements. The best way to break this down is by providing some examples.

Click this link to enlarge this image.

For this example, we have created three rulings. Think of yourself as a webshop owner who sells clothing and wants to push socks and your brand because of the higher margin.

  • / equal / socks AND brand / equal / mybrand
    This ruling checks whether both of these statements are true. The category has to be "socks" and the brand has to be "mybrand"
    ​If both these statements are true, the products will be recommended with a 70% boost.

  • / equal / socks AND brand / not_equal / mybrand
    This ruling is similar to the previous one. This one however checks whether the category is "socks" and the brand IS NOT "mybrand", so a bit less boost for this one.
    ​If both these statements are true, the products will be recommended with a 50% boost.

  • Brand / equal / mybrand AND / not equal / socks
    This ruling checks whether the brand is "my brand" but also checks if the category name IS NOT "socks", still boosting, but just a bit lower even.
    ​If both these statements are factual, the products will be recommended with a 40% boost.

To summarize these examples.

  • If the products are my own brand and are socks, add a 70% boost.

  • If the products are not my own brand but are socks, add a 50% boost.

  • If the products are my own brand but not socks, add a 40% boost.

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