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Customer Journeys and Buying Phases
Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago

The most important feature on our platform is the ability to create customer journeys. These journeys determine the content your visitors will see (assuming nothing overrules them, more on this in the campaigns section) and is the first thing we recommend you learn about when starting to use Datatrics.

Alright, so you know it’s very important. But what is it? Well, a customer journey is the journey the visitor of your website goes through while moving through the buying phases.

A customer journey can be broken down into 4 phases. These are Orientation, Comparison, Decision and Evaluation. Depending on the phase your visitor is in, you want to show them different content. Datatrics allows you to set up a customer journey in such a way that you can select exactly what content a visitor in each buying phase should see.

A profile can only be in one customer journey at a time, but if you have multiple customer journeys and another one suits the profile better, Datatrics will make sure it switches to the one with the highest potential. The profile of course needs to be within the targeting rules of the customer journey.

While we’re at it, let’s quickly break down the individual buying phases.


People in the orientation phase have a certain need (problem solving, fun, educational etc.) and are looking for a way to fulfill this need. They do not really know what product they are interested in. It's up to you to present them with products that will fulfill their need. It's also a good idea to show them inspirational content like blog articles.


When visitors are in the comparison phase, they have a rough idea as to what kind of product they want to buy. They however are not entirely sure which specific product is most interesting to them. 

It is best to approach these visitors with content that displays the differences between different products within the category of interest. This desire for information can also be used to display the pro’s of a specific product to make sure it sounds very enticing.


As soon as visitors reach the decision phase, they know what they want to buy. They do however still need some convincing in order to actually order the product. Maybe the price is too high, the product is too complicated or the visitor is not sure whether other people will approve of the purchase. Both product specifications and perceived brand value can play a role here.

Visitors in this phase need some convincing. Some ways of approaching visitors in this phase is persuading them with time pressure (Order within 2 hours and get 20% off.) Scarcity (There are only 3 remaining. Order quickly!) or by showing authority (This popular person in the field recommends this item).


So people have bought your product and you want to turn them into returning customers / follow you through other channels (social media, newsletter etc,). You have the option to set up popups that ask visitors to sign up for you newsletter. You can also ask them to like you on Facebook or other social media platforms.

It is import to note that not every visitor starts in the same phase. Some visitors will visit your website ready to make their decision as they have done their research elsewhere. Other visitors may stumble upon your website and are just browsing around.

Want to know more about Customer Journey best practices? Check out this link!

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