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This article describes how to add unique profile IDs to your MailUp emails

Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago

A unique profile ID must be added to all links in your emails, so we can identify a person when he visits your website from an email. For MailUp, the parameters to use are: profileid=[_idoptin]&profilesource=mailup

You can easily add these parameters to all URLs of your MailUp project with a single setting. In MailUp, head over to Settings > List settings > Preferences > Properties > Advanced tab:

At "Email tracking", add the parameters to the "Link tracking parameters" input field:

That's it! Datatrics will now identify visitors as MailUp users when they visit your website from an email and also when the revisit. All (anonymous) historical events will also be added to the user/customer.

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