Hybrid flow and how to use them

This article explains the basics of the hybrid campaign and how you can use this feature most optimal

Odin Bergman avatar
Written by Odin Bergman
Updated over a week ago


As you know, you could create hybrid flows in Datatrics. With the hybrid flow, you can make your Customer journey. With the hybrid flow, you can decide when, where and who you would like to show personalized messages. These possibilities include your website, but of course, also email and advertising.

Below we explain three different examples of our hybrid flow. The first one is the most used, which is the abandoned cart campaign. This example is described in the following help documentation already. The previous article is also a good starting document if you would like to proceed with the other examples.

Another important thing to point out before starting a hybrid flow is that you can best use one website trigger per flow, this will ensure the flow to run as smooth as possible.

Example 1: Basic abandoned cart campaign

Example 2: Advanced abandoned cart campaign

The second example is an extension of the first example. This example is a little more advanced than the previous flow. In this example, we first persuade the visitor with a notification before sending the abandoned cart email. After sending the first abandoned cart email, you can also follow up with another email that includes a discount coupon. We will explain how to set this up below.

The first part on the website:

The website trigger is the same as the first example. But after that, and instead of waiting to send an email, you will follow up first with persuasive content. You can think about examples as:

  • Free delivery

  • Order now, and you will receive it tomorrow

  • X people purchases before you today

Or be inspired by the community.

After the website touchpoint, you can follow the first steps described in the first example. Or you can follow up via different methods, such as the Copernica/ Canopy abandoned cart sync.

What to do if I work with an ESP (Email service provider):

If you are working with an ESP, you don’t need to add the email template to this flow. You can ask support to activate the abandoned cart sync (for Copernica and Canopy users).

The second part on the website:

After the email, the visitor could reaccess the website via the abandoned cart email. That is also a perfect moment to persuade them even more. So by using a persuasion based on free returns, for example (if this applies to you), you could convince the customer even more with a sentence as, “You can purchase the item without return fees.”

You could use this in combination with Datatrics email and other tools. For example, if you have an abandoned cart email live in Copernica or Canopy, this always goes with a UTM parameter. For both examples, you can apply the targeting with that UTM. See the example below:

If the customer meets the targeting you have set, you can follow up with persuasive content.

After the persuasive content, you can wait for three days (or which amount you prefer) and check if they made a conversion within the past three days. If this were the case, the customer would be deleted from the flow. If not, you can follow up via an extra email to persuade the customer with a reminder of the products with a discount coupon code, for example.

You can use the same document as in the first example for the email. For uploading the coupon codes, you can use this document, and you can use this document for using them.

If the customer did not purchase the product but did visit the website after the abandoned cart email, you can sync those customers to a segment. This segment can be synchronized with Ad accounts to retarget them again. The people in this segment show a lot of interest and are hot leads to make a purchase, which could decrease advertising costs.

If they did make a purchase, you have to end the flow for them of course, otherwise, it will increase your advertising budget.

What to do if I work with an ESP (Email service provider):

Also, for the second email template, you can follow up with your own ESP. If you cannot create a flow within the ESP, you can change the Datatrics email touchpoint for an ESP trigger. See the example below.

Suppose you are using a trigger for the second email. You also have to create a different email feed campaign with the strategy abandoned cart. With this method, you can still add the abandoned cart items to the email with a coupon code to convert them.

Example 3: Second purchase campaign

The third example is to persuade one-time buyer customers for a second purchase because existing customers are 3 to 10 times more likely to purchase again than new customers. In addition, we can use the customers that are triggered for retargeting via Ads, because they showed some kind of interest in that specific category.

In this example, we would like to trigger people who had content interaction with the make-up category, but this could be changed into a preferred category. To be sure that someone is interested in that category, you can add that this should apply “at least” 3 times. But you can play with the numbers if this is relevant for you.

Two decisions

After the website trigger, you wait for a couple of hours. The first check is to see if someone added a product from that category to their cart.

If they did not add a product to the cart, you would like to segment those customers because they were interested in that category. Due to that, you can reduce the Ads spent, because you know they are looking for make-up.

During the second decision, you can verify if the customer did purchase a product from the category, in this case, make-up.

If this is not the case, you can synchronize these people to a different segment, which is more valuable than the first one because they are interested in make-up and have already added something to their basket. In this case, you could also follow up with an abandoned cart email, but for this example, we are using sync. to a segment. Due to the two decisions, you have two valuable segments with people interested in make-up. It is up to you how you would like to approach them via Ads. See links for Facebook and Google Ads.

Important to know

After a decision is made, you have to end the flow. Otherwise, customers get stuck in the flow and cannot reaccess the flow in any case. It’s up to you which amount you set. We use one week because we think this is a suitable amount of days to consider them back in the flow again.

But what if they did purchase? You can follow up on these people with an email. Because make-up is a product that could be bought more often and because they already purchased make-up on your website, it should be easier to reactivate them to buy again.

We use 21 days after the first purchase in this example, but this could be different for every company. If you have those numbers clear for yourself or estimate what suits your business the best, please use that number instead of the 21 we are using in our example.

To reactivate the customers via the second purchase email, you could use discount coupon codes or add some products with discounts. Also, the message to the customer should contain some message that you appreciate the customer and that those products or discount coupons are specially for them. And last but not least, add the products they purchased before in that email. Datatrics provides a strategy which you can choose!

What to do if I work with an ESP (Email service provider):

You have to change the email template for a trigger. See the example below:

You also have to create a different email feed campaign with the strategy abandoned cart. With this method, you can still add the abandoned cart items to the email with a coupon code to convert them. If you would like to add products with a discount, you need to create an email feed touchpoint for this as well. Because there, you can filter the products of your liking, which can be added to the email template in Copernica, for example.

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