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Templates section

This article explains how to use the template section and describes its features.

Christiaan Proper avatar
Written by Christiaan Proper
Updated over a week ago

When heading to the Template section in Datatrics, you will see an interface containing the number of templates and positions. There are three tabs: Templates, Positions, and Settings.


The templates are designed to create layouts for touchpoints as easily as possible. You can use one of the pre-designed templates from Datatrics, or create one from scratch. These templates can be reused for multiple touchpoints. This way, you only have to create the layout once per instance instead of creating a layout per touchpoint.

To create a new template, click on the button in the top right corner, or the button below the ‘Blank template’ block. After clicking one of the buttons, you can choose the desired channel to create a template between website and email.

After selecting one of the options, the editor opens. You can start editing after giving a name to the template.

As you can see, the WYSIWYG editor is displayed on the left part, the elements you can drag and drop on the right. Each template is structured by at least one row. You can find the set of rows in the sub-menu of the editor. As rows are essential for your layout, it is a smart idea to have a layout in mind to start with.

When you’re done structuring the template by assigning rows, you can fill it with content. There are a lot of content elements to choose from. In this article, you will find a list of the meaning per element.

You can add dynamic values from items, profiles, or your website. There are two options to do this:

  • By using handlebars like {{}} or {{}}

  • Selecting the desired value by using ‘Merge Tags’ in the text navigator

Saving rows

It is possible to save parts of templates. This is convenient when you want to reuse some complex or click-intense parts of a template. You can think about the correct price formula, footers with social icons, or HTML blocks.

Click on a row (not just an element!) you created and click on the save button. Next, give the element a fitting name and save the row.

After following these steps, the row is saved and is ready to be used in other templates.

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