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Track Custom Conversions

Measure exactly how well you are performing using Custom Conversions.

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Written by Development Datatrics
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Only use this when you cannot use our standard ecommerce conversions, don't have ecommerce conversions, or want to create conversions besides ecommerce conversions.

Click on your project name and select Conversions or go to

Click on create a new Conversion to measure a custom conversion. 

You can choose the following 'Match Attribute';

  • URL

  • Title

  • File

  • External Website

  • Manually

After selecting the attribute you want to match, you need to specify what criteria you are checking. You might for example want to check if the visitor has landed on the "Thank you" page after making a purchase by using URL contains '/order/thankyou'.

Extra options to measure custom conversions ;
Case Sensitive; Yes or No (Default no)
Revenue; Define the revenue of a conversion (Default 0)
Allow multiple conversions per visit; No or Yes (Default no)

Manually conversion
When you choose to manually match attributes, you need to implement the following code in your Tag Manager or website using the given conversion id (in the green circle on the left). 

_paq.push(['trackGoal', CONVERSIONID]);
// This code sends the selected goal alongside the conversionID for tracking

You could also add the revenue of a conversion. You need to implement the following code in your Tag Manager or website using the given conversion id (Note: you need to make the REVENUE dynamic per conversion). 

_paq.push(['trackGoal', CONVERSIONID, REVENUE]);
// Adding 'Revenue' to it also sends this value for tracking
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